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F-cking Tuesdays

F-cking Tuesdays

Regular price $13.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.50 USD
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You were so motivated yesterday, had a plan, you had a to-do list... Now you only have the list and that's how it's going to be all day. No time for fluffy words and good cheer, ride the bad vibes and send that email just how it is!

Light-Medium Roast:  Balance between the rich toasty notes of a full dark roast and the subtle citrus of a light roast.

Brewing: F-ck it, you can't go wrong, I've made this in every way possible.

Origin: Guatemala and Ethiopia 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Heeeelllllllll ya

Like riding the lighting with a lady of the night while you’ve been raw dogging it all night. It’s so damn delicious keeps you wanting more!!! I should call her again

Theron Lamb

I thought these beans were very well roasted. The flavors really came out when I used a pour-over, but were fantastic for drip as well.

Thanks for your review Theron! It really made our day suck less to see a man of clearly refined coffee tastes enjoy our product.
- Oakley, Chief of Barking & VP of Customer Service

Carolyn Huff

Sory, but this coffee seemed like an average coffee and not worth the price. It was also too bitter for us. We much prefer the Boss Bean, which we also feel is more worth the price. We would reorder Boss Bean, but not F*ing Tuesday.